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Why you've gotta love Top Gear!

Just found this article about Top Gear. It's back on TV this Sunday and apparently will be more about motoring and less about the silly stunts. I quite like all the silly stunts though, think it makes the show so much more accessible and much more entertaining!

Famous examples include the American Road Trip (does anyone remember the 'Man Love' truck?), the cross-channel adventure and the Toyota pick-up! Looking forward to the boys being back on the air this Sunday eve. Now that Jack Bauer is no longer dominating my Sunday nights, this will be a welcome return for a great British classic show!

Are you eating 2 days worth of extra calories per week?

Just read that apparently motorists consume around 4,000 calories of food and drink a week while at the wheel. A survey by Kia has shown that as many as 56% of drivers much while motoring. Chocolate, sweets and fizzy drinks topped the lists according to the poll by Kia Motors.

Popular reasons for the snacking include 38% saying they had always eaten and drunk while driving, while 43% of people surveyed claim that snacking relieves boredom. That’s a lot of calories to consume! My annual mileage last year was only around 4,000 miles so surely this can't be true for low mileage drivers? If it is true, that’s around one calorie per mile!


Glamping It Up!

Haha, just read a brilliant article about 'glamping' and am extremely intrigued!

Essentially glamping is just posh camping but some of the ideas out there are pretty cool, like the luxury tents with hot-tubs and four poster beds! It seems to be becoming a bit of a trend and is, therefore, not cheap! Although if you share with another couple of family it becomes much more reasonable. Plus, even regular camping isn't that cheap these days (so I've heard!)

Another problem with 'glamping' is that I'd want to pack a hell of a lot more for a camping trip than I would for most holidays. So would need some kind of roof racks or roof boxes for that extra luggage space. Overall though, glamping sounds like something I could get into!


Top Tip - reverse into parking spaces to reduce carbon footprint!

Apparently, if you reverse into parking spaces at night you'll save fuel and reduce your carbon footprint - reversing out of a space in the morning when the engine is cold uses a lot of fuel. There's something I'd never thought of! Also, apparently you can organise a 'smarter driving course' from the Energy Saving Trust for £15 per driver. Don't know if this is only for companies or private individuals too.

Why women prefer speed to economy

According to a recent survey by TRL, around 45% of men said they would reduce their speed to save fuel, whereas only 37% of women said the same.

Admittedly, I fall into the 37% category - when I drive my little Matiz on the motorway, I keep to around 68mph as I've found that gives me the best fuel economy. Having said that, I can understand why some women might prefer a little speed every now and again:
a). there's the fact that we take longer to get ready and are therefore more likely to be in a rush
b). women are more likely to have busy social calendars due to an inherent desire to make everyone else happy
c.) there's an argument to say that controlling the speed at which we drive gives us an element of control in an otherwise uncontrollable world
d.) if, as modern working women, we're picking up the fuel bill who is anyone else to argue with us?

Electric cars could take over sooner than we thought

Apparently Mercedes are planning to install electric charging bays across the UK in preparation for the electric car takeover! To me this seems a little premature, I must admit but I'm sure that Mercedes-Benz know what they're doing.

Apparently the Mercedes owned brand, Smart, will soon be launching the popular Smart for two car as an electric vehicle. It will be known as the Smart for Two Electric Drive and will be in production by 2012. So maybe these electric charging stations are not a waste of time at all?


Who doesn't like a nickname?

Just read an article in The Telegraph about how Chevrolet have sent out a company-wide memo asking staff in the US to stop referring to the brand as 'chevy.'

This seems a little odd to me. Surely, the fact that the company has a nickname means it is familiar to people and that can only be a good thing? Apparently the recent desire to lose the popular 'chevy' nickname stems from their new advertising agency who have claimed that it is bad for their brand. Said agency then went on to cite the success of big brands such as Apple and it me or is Coke not a nickname for Coca Cola?! I for one still plan on calling Chevrolet 'Chevy' and they can't stop me!


£1 million pounds of used car savings

Apparently, the used car supermarket I mentioned in my last blog post (The Car Shop) have some kind of price reduction event that woks out at £1 million of used car savings across all their stock. According to the annoying drop down box on their website, the savings are because the book price of used cars has dropped? Does that now mean that my Matiz is worth less? Not that it matters, think my little bro will be buying it.

Another reason why not to drink drive...

As if you really needed another reason not to drink and drive, this drink driver appears not to notice the toll booth and ends up flying over it!

Of course I hope no-one was hurt, but further proof that drink-driving is not big or clever! see the video of drunk driver jumping toll booth here.

Will this car fit in my shopping bag?

It seems like a strange concept so, naturally, I'm intrigued. As a self-confessed shopaholic and car fan, the idea of a used car supermarket appeals to me on more than one level. However, surely the idea of a supermarket for cars is a little over the top? They don't fit in your trolley and you can't carry them away in a shopping bag, so what makes it a car supermarket? I guess it's because they have a bigger choice, rather than because they sell baked beans!